About Annemiek Friebel

Pasfoto Annemiek FriebelI love to walk, especially in nature. I enjoy walking with others as an experienced guide (with a buddy, a coachee, a small group or with larger groups and teams) but I also like to walk alone (preferably days or weeks in a row and from cabin to cabin). My favourite place to walk is in the Norwegian mountains but I also like to walk other places. For me walking means time for reflection, good conversations and new insights but to achieve that I also know that silence, time to think and embodied knowing are important. Walking in nature often enables reflexivity, idea creation, visioning and personal development. It can give new insights to challenges that lay ahead. I am inquiring into what walking means for me, for others and how it enables reflections on change. I like to state that reflective walking can enhance work/life/organisational transitions and that walking in nature can be a way to enable embodied knowing which can unfold insights to wisdom.

Annemiek is a senior consultant with more than 20 years of experience in developing people and organisations. Her expertise includes organizational and leadership development, change and innovation, learning and competence development, performance management, project management, team alignment & development, strategic human resources development and culture awareness. She has a lot of energy and passion for people. She has experience as a strategic sparring partner, coach and guide for executives and teams. She loves to grow organisations through bringing groups of people together and inspire them with her energy. By guiding, facilitating and aligning them she creates positive environments where people learn and try out new behaviour to develop themselves. She has a broad network in the Norwegian HR community and a track record of proven results through demonstrated personal integrity and high ethical standards. She is working on a thesis for a doctors degree in organisational change with Ashridge/Hult businesschool in the UK on the topic ‘Refelective walking as a way for work/life/organisational transitions’.

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